Amazon’s ambitions | E3 | Crypto markets cool | Kai-Fu Lee on AI | Second-order effects of the home ownership myth | How to rob a bank

A Personal Note

This has been a particularly hectic month for my schedule. As I’m in a rush to get this out, apologies up front for any glaring grammar mistakes.

Themes in this post include:

  1. AR/VR/MR
  2. A.I. and Robotics
  3. Cryptocurrency
  4. Stocks
  5. Transportation
  6. Startups
  7. Products
  8. Industry Reports
  9. Government and World News
  10. Video Games and E3
  11. Self-Improvement
  12. Noteworthy Findings



2) A.I. and Robotics

3) Cryptocurrency

  • Most importantly though, Blockchain-related job postings on LinkedIn have more than “trebles” in the past year!:

4) Stocks

5) Transportation

6) Startups

7) Products

8) Industry Reports

  • Mary Meeker’s 2017 internet trends report and the full video presentation.
  • Goldman report temporarily spooks tech investors.
  • Intel says the passenger economy, or the reinvention of transportation, will be a $7 trillion opportunity.
  • China releases a report on the state of the internet.
  • The US ranks 28th globally for average mobile internet speeds.
  • An interactive chart for rent prices in the U.S. Rent is effectively the modern day tenant system in the mind’s of young professionals. As home ownership becomes an increasingly unlikely option for us provided the rapid escalation in real estate prices within desirable cities, many young professionals have given up on the prospect of ever actually being a homeowner. I wouldn’t be surprised if the acceptance of this social norm has played an important role in the rise of the subscription model and the gig economy. Provided this mindset shift, buying into BMW’s new car-sharing service, getting your shows through Netflix, or even purchasing clothes through StitchFix seems completely natural. Without a home to call your own, one has no roots and is freely available to move around and live where he/she prefers. Furthermore, since traditional concepts of value (like owning a home or car) are no longer realistic near-term goals, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that my generation puts an increased emphasis on travel and experiencing life.

9) Government and World News

10) Video Games and E3

11) Self-Improvement

12) Noteworthy Findings